Et je ne pense pas que ce soit fini ...
This is not the end ...…N2wBX/view?usp=drive_link
Et je ne pense pas que ce soit fini ...
This is not the end ...
J'ai pris le parti de faire le tour de la côte sans installer Nice.
Je vois plein d'erreurs que je suis en train de résoudre.
Encore un correctif en cours donc ...
Correctif ISTRES. Ecrasez les tuiles existantes par celles ci.
Voilà c'est fini. Rien d'exceptionnel mais c'est mieux qu'à l'origine ...
Here it is. Its far from perfect and I can Improve bad files if you tell me where they are.
If you want to help the site with a little donation It will make me happy.
Atlantique :…1pvJn/view?usp=drive_link
Méditerranée :…3SFAB/view?usp=drive_link
Bonjour Tomfa
Je reprends 2 ou 3 petites choses et je le mets dans google drive
Bonne journée !
France Atlantic completely done
Next Week France Méditerrannée
I will propose to freely share these files if someone is interested.
Some news ...
I have succeeded after a lot of efforts ... Grid square 9 zoom 15 Level 9, 10, 11 et 12.
All the part Ouest is painted. Now I am waiting for Geonvert to finish Geoconverting.
. It takes a lot of time but I will have a wonderful french sea. If you are interested i will give it to you.
I disabled eu folder and the result is the same. I give up.
Thank you very much for trying to help me
have a nice day
Look at this please.
Here is the same scenery (always Biarritz) with differents levels of zoom ( I change the level of zoom with my mouse).
Perhaps it will help to understand.
I send you a screen capture of Biarritz. I don't understand why with the same sceneries results are differents. Your screen captures are very nice.
Have you flied above the sea ? Certains painted tiles suddenly disapear when I fly close or above them.
I reload map_09_7f00-a380 (with .ttc files) and the problem is still here. Ahhhh.
Its the first time I use Google Drive, sorry. Now I think you can download my files.
Have a nice day
Here is my work from Biarritz to Bordeaux…2L9Aq/view?usp=drive_link
Please could you see it and help me to understand why certains Tiles disappear when the plane is close to them ? They are all made with the same settings : Size 9, Zoom 14, Level : 9 10 11 12
If we dont find the problem I will give up because its boring and very time consuming.
Just tried and its OK with your ttc.
I will test your ttc right now. I dont understand why its not good for me...
I have version 1.1.3
For example here is stitch painted by myself : map_10_7ec0_a340
Geoconvert runs normally but ... the folder is still empty. No ttc files.
Here is an example. All tiles completly under the sea have problem. Geoconverter doesn't work with them.
Good morning,
It is going pretty well. On the other hand, I have a problem when the tile is not big enough to completely cover the horrible green stripe. I tried to download the tile right next to it located completely in the sea to cover the uncovered part but it doesn't work.
Do you have an idea ?
Thank you very much. I will have a lot of work but its a good hobby
Could you explain me what should I do when editing by hand. I have to paint the sea in blue ?