Hello, I'm a new user of Aerofly FS4. I have two questions, can someone help me, please ?
1) a) How to replay a flight from the list of Recent flights ? It seems that the only option is to delete the flights ! Not to fly again.
b) It is possible to record these flights directly on the HardDrive ? For example, in the CRJ directory ? It seems to me, that they are all in the flightlog.
2} I would like to fly some routes generated in SimBrief. I tried the CRJ900.
For this I created the directories below and downloaded the route in all of them.
Unfortunately none of them worked!
C:\Users\PIRES_5\Documents\Aerofly FS 4\aircraft\CYQMCYUL.flp
C:\Users\PIRES_5\Documents\Aerofly FS 4\aircraft\CRJ\CYQMCYUL.flp
C:\Users\PIRES_5\Documents\Aerofly FS 4\aircraft\CRJ\FlightPlans\CYQMCYUL.flp
P.S: I found videos explaining how to do this in Aerosoft, but not in Aerofly.
Thank You