I haven't seen any fixes yet. I see the spikes sometimes, and I also get what we used to call the "hall of mirrors" effect (back many decades ago when I made doom levels). This causes odd lines and shapes to suddenly flicker into view and is often caused my badly aligned vertices. I actually rarely use this content as the flickering shapes are very annoying. It's a shame, as it looks amazing ... just needs some love.
Posts by Major_Tinz
This may be very old news, but I often felt that the glass cockpits faded the colours of the scenery too much, and sometimes, the internal cockpit reflections were too distracting. It turns out that you can alter this in the "main.mcf".
I have a Steam install, so my main.mcf is located at the path "<DRIVE LETTER>:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\Aerofly FS 2\".
The entry that I altered was originally set as:
<[vector2_float64][graphics_glass_transparency][0.1 0.75]>
I altered this to have the new values as:
<[vector2_float64][graphics_glass_transparency][0.05 0.2]>
There's nothing special about choosing these numbers, as my tests were not exhaustive, but I found a new sweet spot for my liking, which makes the scenery colours pop better in VR, and reduces the impact of internal reflections, but they can still be seen. If you set both values to zero, the glass disappears, which is cool, but not that great after the novelty wears off.
I have attached two screen shots. The Original game settings and my Altered settings.
Hope this helps anyone with the same "niggle"
Hi AOB, click on the topmost photo and then use the directional arrows to quickly shift between each image. Your brain is wired to spot sudden change, so this should help you see the differences between the images. There are a lot of improvements across the entire image, including the colours too. It's night and day for me, but I do have an instinctive penchant for high visual acuity.
I have very fickle eyes and need my visuals to be tack sharp, so I have been using Reshade to improve image quality in Aerofly FS2. It's only available on Nvidia GPUs. This tool is a kind of injector which allows you to add a variety of different shaders to add visual effects, such as sharpening, colour changes, HDR, etc.
I have attached some "before and after" images showing a crop from my screen before (no reshade active) and after (reshade activated with a variety of shaders). I am running the sim at max settings, 2560 x 1440.
Reshade can be found here: Reshade.
Very noice!
Aha! I have established that I can clear this issue by logging out and then logging back in again. All sorted.
I have just joined and also have this issue. I'll wait a while and see if it clears up.