Recent Activities

  • tedator

    Likes the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) on the filebase.
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    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • Tomfa

    Likes the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) on the filebase.
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    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • neoeoeo

    Has added a comment to B787 Korean Air livery on the filebase.
    Comment (Filebase Entry)

    If possible, could you kindly fix the tail logo? Thank you, Yolo, and thank you for your work.
  • Jugac64

    Likes the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) on the filebase.
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    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • Carlosedubr

    Liked the article Upload Anleitung.
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    Upload Anleitung
  • Jugac64

    Comment (Filebase Entry)
    thank you very much!
  • Jugac64

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    The aircraft carrier CVN-70 USS VINSON and the supply ship T-AO-188 USNS HUMPREYS have run out to train the supply methods RAS (REPLENISHMENT AT SEA) and AAR (AIR TO AIR REFUELING) off the Pacific coast of California.

    This training is best…
  • Lucky

    Likes the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) on the filebase.
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    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • paranovski

    Likes the entry Mission: Tales from the Mach Loop on the filebase.
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    Do you have what it takes to fly the Mach Loop? Strap into your combat jet trainer and experience the thrill of low level flying at 400 knots in the mountains of Wales, an official Royal Air Force low level flight training area.


    Generated via
  • paranovski

    Like (Filebase Entry)
    The aircraft carrier CVN-70 USS VINSON and the supply ship T-AO-188 USNS HUMPREYS have run out to train the supply methods RAS (REPLENISHMENT AT SEA) and AAR (AIR TO AIR REFUELING) off the Pacific coast of California.

    This training is best…
  • higgy

    Likes the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) on the filebase.
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    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • ApfelFlieger

    Has added the entry F-18 - aircraft carrier version - (2025-01-24) to the filebase.
    New (Filebase Entry)
    The F/A-18C, currently included in the FS 4, cannot take off aircraft carriers via catapult launch and land via catch ropes. But since I would like this, I have adapted the affected files for a workaround:
    • Essential adjustments are:
      - LaunchBar activated
  • ApfelFlieger

    Comment (Filebase Entry)
    UPDATE 2025-01-22:
    - Both ships are now positioned around 9 nm west to have sufficient space for typical take-off and landing maneuvers for the F-18.:)
    - The aircraft carrier now has airfield lights:), but the OLS is unfortunately still imperfect.:(
  • Jugac64

    Like (Filebase Entry)
    In December 2020 brunnobellic published the beautiful projekt "Zurich animation traffic." for FS 2.:)

    I have converted this for FS 4.

    Update 2024-07-29:
    The addon is now created as a POI.

    Please delete the previous AIRPORTS version.


  • Jugac64

    Like (Filebase Entry)
    In December 2020 brunnobellic published the beautiful projekt "Geneva animated traffic and birds v2 runs in Vulcan." for FS 2.:)

    I have converted this for FS 4.

    Update 2024-07-29:
    The addon is now created as a POI.

    Please delete the previous AIRPORTS
  • Jugac64

    Likes the entry LSGP-AddOn: Animated Train - (2024-07-29) on the filebase.
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    In April 2021 brunnobellic published the beautiful projekt "Aérodrome de prangins" for FS 2.:)

    I have converted this for FS 4.

    Update 2024-07-29:
    The addon is now created as a POI.

    Please delete the previous AIRPORTS version.


    The basic…
  • This post complements the objects for the post "AIRPORTS: 234 various airports and heliports ...".

    The POIs, like the corresponding airfields, are grouped together and can be used as such (has been tested).
    • for airplanes:
      - 1x "airports" (LSMI for
  • Jugac64

    Likes the entry POI: 18 refugees (2024-07-12) on the filebase.
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    The refugees were once offered for the FS 2 from @drassaud in 2019/2020 in the article “Refuges Suisse Part 1”. At the beginning of 2024 they were then prepared for the FS 4 and published in the article "from FS 2: 18 refuges with 17 helistart points ...
  • Jugac64

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    Since March 2024, a wide variety of airfields for Switzerland have been gradually published. The creation is now complete (exceptions will confirm the rule) and so it makes sense to summarize all airfields in one download. The airfields were created by …
  • Jugac64

    Likes the entry POI's for Switzerland on the filebase.
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    Discover various POI's in Switzerland. Complementary to IPACS streamed cultivation for FS4, this collection contains over 200 objects at approx. 50 locations enhancing the scenery.

    It includes many cities such as Zurich, Bern, Basel, Lucerne,…