Posts by Spitbua

    I will also take this opportunity to say thank you so much to Mr. Hartman for making all those scenery files for Norway.

    A great job and well done!

    Great to read about other people`s set up if you ask me :-) here comes my Spitfire :-)

    This moving Spitfire Mark IX cockpit has a very simple and cheap system to make the thing come to live. It is set up for VR and Augumented reality with DCS. This is possible because each plane in DCS must be programmed one by one and all the buttons and switches work as pr. original. As and example: When I push the button to see the amount of fuel left i push the button in real life and watch the instrument move in VR. The same with the rest. Everything is controlled with my real hands without controllers. VR is a digital copy of the real cockpit so everything is easy to reach and find. ( Augumented reality )

    With Aerofly everything is different and the goal is different. When you set up the stick and stuff it works for all planes. No problem with that, but in my case I must control most of the buttons and switches with the mouse. I don`t have enough space in the pit to control airliners with the controllers :-) So with other words: If you want to set up a moving platform based on my idea for Aerofly VR, and want to fly the planes using controllers, you just need the frames, bearings, chair, stick and controllers and free space in front of you. Estimated total cost should be around $1000. There is no problem to spend thousands of dollars on a moving platform either. I`m very happy that I went for the low cost to be honest because it does what I need to feel the forces and the immersion is so great. You just can`t simulate G forces no matter how much money you spend on actuators. is the place to start. The plug in for Aerofly works great and is easy to install.

    You don`t need your pit to move a lot and fast. I did that to begin with, but tuned it down to react mainly around the CG instead. I can feel the nose going down when I apply brakes on the ground and when the tail is coming up on taildraggers on take off. The same feel in the air. Also: If you get the thing moving to much you run into trouble with VR tracking. I fixed this with the first Oculus Rift when I let the base station hang freely under the sight. :-) Now I have the HP-G2 and tracking is excellent with this set up, but it still does not like too much bank.

    I bought the electronics and actuators from Polulu. ( USA ) Now it is two years since the Spitfire started moving and it still works great. To make a cockpit move is actually a hobby on its own. There is a lot to learn, but it is really worth the trouble. Feeling those large airliners ( and of course the DCS Spitfire! ) move in VR is so cool!

    Tech info:

    Computer: cpu:Intel I7 8700 4ghz, 32gb ram and gpu Gigabyte rtx 3070/start:GTX 1080 TI

    Electronics: 2-Polulu jrk 12 volt cards

    Actuators: Glideforce 12 volt 25kg/56 lbs trust ( easier to install: SNC 12 kg. ) needs good balancing!

    Power supply 12 volt bought on ebay

    Software: x-sim, simtools-runs on the same cpu as the rest. Windows firewall did not like two computers connected at all. No problem with this.

    Forces used: pitch, roll, heave ( pitch and heave in combination but not needed )


    Very happy that i bought this flightsim. I have a homebuilt fighter cockpit for DCS and

    was looking for a good VR simulator for GA planes. I`m used to good framerates and high speed

    from DCS and did not manage to find those qualifications in other GA sims, only a lot of fancy stuff

    so I gave it up two years ago :-) Gave it another try now when I got one of those new RTX gpu cards.

    (RTX 3070) Same story! This sim was my last try and I was very surprised to find a high speed

    GA sim with fantastic performance in VR. Have a HP G-2 headset. My pit is moving in pitch and roll

    and I mounted a plug in from X-Sim community and it worked right away! No problems at all.

    This is the VR sim if you want performance and without a ton of bugs.:):)