Hello, it was recommended from FlyOverAsia. I wrote him firstly, but he was not sure if it will work cause he doesn't have enough experience. He told me that I might ask if you, ApfelFlieger, can make 2 small glider airports and 1 heliport for 2023 version. I'll write more details later. Thanks for reply.

Airport Creation for Aerofly FS 2023
Basically, I'm happy to help. Although I can only create FS 4 for Aerofly, i.e. the PC version. For Aerofly FS 2023, i.e. the mobile version, this would have to be converted, which I can't do.
Basically, I'm happy to help. Although I can only create FS 4 for Aerofly, i.e. the PC version. For Aerofly FS 2023, i.e. the mobile version, this would have to be converted, which I can't do.
Ok, no problem, you can make it for Aerofly FS 4 and I will convert it to mobile ☺️
Thank you for your effort 😘
So Can I send you the information about airports?
Yes very much.
Ok, to make it faster, I will send screenshots from discord conversation. So the airports are Martin airport (LZMA), Ružomberok airport (LZRU) and heliport of air rescue in Žilina (LZZZ). If you need anything else, just write here. 😁
Hello ApfelFlieger I just wanna ask how is work going, if you already started 😄
Good evening,
yes, I've already started briefly with the 3 airports. However, I'm currently still finishing my big project in Switzerland. After that (possibly next week) I plan to finish the three airfields. Unfortunately I'm missing good images.
I am attaching the current status.
Bye, Michael
Good evening Michael,
that are great news to hear from you. I understand you have also other work, that is not problem, do what you need, I will be patient. Thank you for your effort. ☺️
And about the images, I can send you locations of these airports, so you can look them up in maps, if you want.
Best wishes
Good morning,
I checked the airports current status, and I recognised that these things are wrong or not working:
1. Martin airport has 2 runways and Ružomberok only one, but in reality this is switched - Martin has only 1 runway and Ružomberok has 2 runways
2. I cannot see the LZZZ heliport on map, but I am not sure what happened here. I am attaching some photos.
Thank you for your answer.
Your faithfully
Hello ApfelFlieger,
I was wondering how is the work going, I saw you share some airports from Swiss. I just want to have update, what is current status, you know 😁.
Bye, Samuel
Moin Samuel,
I'm currently working very hard to publish all the missing airfields, especially the helicopter landing sites, in Switzerland. There will be around 100 airports in total. As far as possible and sensible, I'm adapting existing objects from FS 2 and FS 1. My goal is to have it finished by Easter.
Bye, Michael
LZMA, LZRU and LZZZ are online