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pitts_400.jpg   cessna_400.jpg

Letzte Aktivitäten

  • Lucky

    Mag den Filebase-Eintrag Iberian Peninsula - Ortho Scenery.
    Like (Filebase-Eintrag)
    Iberian Peninsular - Ortho
    Ortho from 9 to level 12 detail.

    Don't miss the cultivation here:
    Iberian Peninsula - Cultivation and CloudPort Airports

    and the Elevation here:
    Spain Elevation Mesh 20m

    Map Data Copyright 2020 Google
  • ApfelFlieger

    Hat auf einen Kommentar von reagan zum Filebase-Eintrag Push Back Tractor TLD 400 -- (2025-01-08) geantwortet.
    Antwort (Filebase-Eintrag)
    With the towbar coupled at the front, it is very difficult to drive around. That's why the truck has 2 versions:😄
    • TLD 400 towbar front:
      - driving with towbar
    • TLD 400:
      - driving without towbar
  • Virtual Pilot

    Hat einen Kommentar zum Filebase-Eintrag Rio de Janeiro area HD images geschrieben.
    Kommentar (Filebase-Eintrag)
    Thank you very much for the paintings and for Rio de Janeiro in HD, I live in that city and now I think it will be worth making videos at Santos Dumont airport!
    I would like to know if you could do the ANA painting for the Boeing 747-400, because I love…
  • -Galus-

    Mag den Filebase-Eintrag FlyAgi Vegetation Global Trees.
    Like (Filebase-Eintrag)
    FlyAgi Vegetation Global trees replaces your global X-Plane forests and trees with more beautiful high definition and high density ones.
    • Replaces all default forests and trees
    • High definition trees textures
    • High density forests
    • Seasonal
  • Lucky

    Hat einen Kommentar zum Filebase-Eintrag ZGSZ ShenZhen and VHHH HongKong area HD images geschrieben.
    Kommentar (Filebase-Eintrag)
    Thanks for your work : I tried to do it but gave up with this area due to the too inhomogeneous water imagery...
  • YOLO_af

    Hat den Filebase-Eintrag YSSY Sydeny area HD images erstellt.
    Brisbane and Gold Coast area will come later
  • YOLO_af

    Hat den Filebase-Eintrag Rio de Janeiro area HD images erstellt.

  • YOLO_af

    Hat den Filebase-Eintrag ZGSZ ShenZhen and VHHH HongKong area HD images erstellt.
    ShenZhen area

    HongKong area
  • YOLO_af

    Hat den Filebase-Eintrag ZGGG GuangZhou area HD images erstellt.
    By the way, I have also created more HD images, and they are all waiting to be uploaded;)
  • reagan

    Hat einen Kommentar zum Filebase-Eintrag Push Back Tractor TLD 400 -- (2025-01-08) geschrieben.
    Kommentar (Filebase-Eintrag)
    hey bro thanks for this amazing addon, i wanted to ask you how to drive it around with the tow bar connected to it but not to the aircraft