Hola muy buenas, estoy interesado en el cultivo de Cataluña (ESPAÑA) que es la region donde vivo pero no consigo crearlo, si alguien podria ayudarme a crearlo paso a paso le estaria muy agradecido ya que lo e intentado y es complicado para mi. Muchas gracias por la atencion.
Mußt Du mohl kieken off du eehn finden deist.
you means cultivation...
be patient I'll do it for you my friend
Thank you very much!, you don't know how I appreciate it.
Hi gasy24, I have a problem with buildings. there are times when very tall buildings are created even reach the clouds. How could I solve this? Greetings and thank you!.
Hi gasy24, I have a problem with buildings. there are times when very tall buildings are created even reach the clouds. How could I solve this? Greetings and thank you!.
I have compared this with some maps and found that this effect always occurs when buildings are created automatically and there is a tower symbol in the map.
But I do not know the solution for this.
Tschüss, Michael (III)