Flashing autogen buildings

  • Hi folks,

    I know there's been lots of talk on the main forum and here re flashing autogen buildings, but I've yet to find a solution.

    I only seem to get this on autogen buildings from the wonderful ortho scenery created by the dedicated scenery builders.

    I don't see any of these artifacts on commercial add-ons. From what I've read, this likely seems caused by duplicate buildings at the same location. If so, is there an easy way to identify and remove the duplicates? I've tried the SceneryDub file available here, but I believe that only checks for duplicate orthos. It didn't show any anomolies.

    Any help gratefully received. It's the only small thing that somewhat breaks the VR illusion on otherwise fabulous scenery.

  • Almost always the reason of 'flashing' buildings is the scenery-load into your Sim of autogen from 2(or more) same locations. So be shure to have only one variant of a certain scenery-area in your Sim-folderstructure. Is valid for any Sim: FSX-P3D-XP-AFS2-.....

  • Almost always the reason of 'flashing' buildings is the scenery-load into your Sim of autogen from 2(or more) same locations. So be shure to have only one variant of a certain scenery-area in your Sim-folderstructure. Is valid for any Sim: FSX-P3D-XP-AFS2-.....

    Many thanks for the reply. Are there any tools available to check this? I've got a LOT of third party scenery across multiple folders and wouldn't even know where to start :)

  • If you're referring to this Sim(AFS2) there are not so much doubled sceneries available except

    that maybe some community-members made area's are conflicting with some payware regio's.

    Most known is LOWI from Orbx in conflict with local Austria made scenery of same area.

    If you give a detailled overview where you remark the flickering objects then it's easier to findout

    where you have to look in your folder- & file-structure.

  • The trouble is, computers are perfectly logical, do exactly what they are told, and have no common sense at all. So when they get an instruction to paint a building green, followed by an instruction to paint the building at the identical location purple, it does that, and then gets the earlier instruction again, because it is now purple instead of green..., and so on and so on.