Request: Where did this magnificent scene from vogel69 go?
Was it deleted by the author himself or by you higgy ???
Request: Where did this magnificent scene from vogel69 go?
Was it deleted by the author himself or by you higgy ???
Hello Pascal ...
sorry, I dont know ... long time ago .. but I didnt think , that I delete this,
but ... from author himself ? ...can be ... ? we had to ask him,
But I also didnt know, if the link:…tinique-freeware-scenery/
is the same (and now only a new link by the author ) ( newer version??) than THIS link :
The Caribbean - Low Resolution Photoground for High Alttitude Flight (10m/p)
like the last post in the Ipacs- forum.
We had to ask the author.
Ich füge bei meinen herunter geladenen Dateien immer Datum, Ersteller und Datei-ID hinzu. Auf Grund dieser Daten gehe ich davon aus, dass
tatsächlich die aktuelle Version ist.
Thanks to both of you!
No, the Caribbean is a set of low resolution islands, vogel69 released this scene much later.
Martinique was a single scene with a resolution of L15.
Well, personally, I had previously saved it. But I asked this for others in the community who might have been interested, it's just a shame that they can no longer have this link.
Enjoy the rest of the evening!
The big question is , why did he ( or me, but I dont think so ) delete it..
Why do you ask him, you have his contact data ...
And when its no problem for him or us ... he can upload it again ...?!
Higgy, the question or request was? Deleting this scene here. Coming from... (The author, or the administrator.?!) But no longer matters.
Yes ...when the author deleted it ... he will have an idea WHY ... and so there is a chance that he dont want it online, so we are not allowed ( when someone had the files) to upload it again.
When someone elso e.g. ... send me an PM , please delete, because there are copyright problems ...
I delete it ( could be.. ?!) but I forget this in the years if and why ....
So ...the best would be , ask the author, if he deletet it, and when he wants he can upload it again.
Thanks Higgy for the info!
Last connection as Vogel69, March 21, 2023.
Unlikely that he is still active at Aerofly
But I will try to contact him.
Good evening !