italy photoreal

  • As I heard from Schnuffelduffel on my request, 4 people have donated something for his Italy scenery so far.

    This is a huge disappointment, because he asked that if we like the scenery, we should donate something. He is not concerned about the amount of the donation, but only about the fact that he can't see that his work is appreciated.

    We must not forget that he wrote that he is self-employed. So the whole work for all of us (and of course for himself) has really cost him money, because without the project he would have accepted one or the other additional order.

    We appreciate that some of us offer high quality freeware, but we also accept a reasonable purchase price for other sceneries, and we also donate to non-profit organizations to get sceneries. It would be very nice, if we would also be able to give the creator of such a great scenery, on which he has worked for almost a year, on a completely voluntary basis a contribution in case we like it.

    These are just my 5 cents on this topic, Schnuffelduffel has nothing to do with this statement.

    Riccardo, donate something to Italy and you'll also get your Lake Como. Riccardo, dona qualcosa per l'Italia e riceverai anche il tuo Lago di Como.

  • Unfortunately this is the reality of most flight simmers. There are many who take it all and give absolutely nothing in return. I'm sorry for Schnuffelduffel but this is the way it is. However there are the few and you can count them on one hand who do appreciate the work that goes on behind the scenes.

    Perhaps I may be wrong?

  • Unfortunately it is sad, but the harsh reality is confirmed.

    And few are those who have respect for the community.?(

    Little reminder, for those who remember, it was some time I myself created a thread on the other forum, having a suggestion, to freely offer everyone to make a contribution to all the private developers who we have their works graciously shared with the whole community.

    What happened next? End result, this thread had been graciously deleted by Jeff!

    I think Higgy still remembers it! ;)

    I'm not saying that if this thread had always been current, could have changed things, but in any case, anyone who could read it later, could have had a different conscience.

    Who's that...?:/



    PS: Sorry, if some Google translation errors

  • Ja...leider Jeff mag viel Ahnung haben von einigen Dingen, aber wie man ein Forum führt weiss er leider überhaupt nicht.

    Es sind schon so viele gute Leute dort extrem "ruhig" geworden, weil er mal eben schnell einen Thread schliesst oder sogar löscht ( was m.E. nach gar keinen Sinn gemacht hat, auch wenn ich erst seit 25 Jahren Foren administriere :) :) . ) Auch ich schreibe dort nur noch sehr sehr selten.

    Schade, das macht die sonst recht gute Ipacs Reputation komplett kaputt.

    Aber ein "Forum" im Sinne einer >freien community< ist das nicht, man sollte es vielleicht einfach anders benennen ... "Hersteller - Hilfe-Seiten " ... oder so ...dann ist das ja i.O. wie er dadrin rumeditiert , schneidet und absägt. ( oft leider ohne Sinn und Verstand ).

    Dass nur sehr wenige User Spenden ist uns ja allen bekannt. Da hilft wirklich nur hier ein Passwort zu hinterlegen ( dafür habe ich hier die Funktion ja bereitgestellt ), dann downloaden zwar weniger, aber als Ersteller weiss man dann wenigstens das nicht so viele Leute kostenlos ziehen und dann nicht spenden danach.

    Es ist eben auch so ... kaum einer spendet ja vorher, oder "beim Download" ...sondern installiert es erst, testet es ...fliegt ... macht und tut ... und "vergisst " dann vielleicht auch einfach etwas zu spenden.

    Es war mit unserer EDXE Scenerie das gleiche .... ich habe seit dem aufgehört mich darüber aufzuregen und erstelle einfach garnichts mehr.