Argentina Project

  • Hello,

    My current Project is to create all the airports used by Argentinian airlines for "cabotage" from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia and el Calafate (at first SABE, SAZM, SAZB, SAWG, SAWH, SAWC) creating each time photorealistic textures and cultivation for the airport surroundings

    Sorry for the cultivation files but OSM data seem to be quite poor resulting in very low building density : strange because Bahia Blanca's center is quite dense despite Mar del Plata (much bigger city) is very sparse with the same script settings...

    At first will create only the airport and city surroundings textures in L13 but hope to add L12 extended area after.

    All non existing airports will be created with fscloudports and available here :…=1&startkey=ar&country=ar

    Textures and cultivation will be available on

    So : generic buildings only but looks good enough fom me for the moment...

    Available now : SAZM airport with L3 textures and cultivation

    Done but not available yet (need to check if OK) : SAZB airport and cultivation

    Work in progress at the moment : extended L12 area for Mar del Plata

    Work waiting for me : textures for SAZB /Bahia Blanca (L13 first, extended area L12 after)

    Next airport : Rio Gallegos

    SABE will probably be the last airport of the list due to the complexity of the very extended Buenos Aires city and Rio de la Plata area rendering (would also like to see if I can improve the SAZE area) ...

    Please be forgiving : I am creating airports, textures and cultivation files for AFS2 only since a week, no more... Despite this you can also try my LDSB airport (the first I've built) with fema4' s Croatian textures and cultivation and my LFAT Le Touquet airport with my textures and Rwagener's cultivation.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    Thank you for the start of your 'Argentina-project'.

    I have a question about cloudport: I constantly have same error as described in my follow screenshot. By hitting the download button for this(but also for any other airport), I get the message 'Preparing Zip....' but not-ending and after a while comes a file '' but the content

    isn't the desired output. Have you an idee what's going wrong? Thank You.

    Error by trying to download an airport.jpg

  • Hello,

    Just to let you know that I temporarily take a break with Argentina : i did upload 22 files here since november 24th and have some other stuff to manage ( I am not retired yet :) )

    Actually you can fly from Buenos Aires SABE to Ushuaia SAWH/SAWO making stops in SAZM, SAZB, SAWC : all these airports are mine, availables on fscloudport (where I am "Toorop") and I made also photo textures and cultivation for all these areas (availables on

    Note that SAEZ and SAME from other authors are also available on fscloudport

    I've also made photo scenery and cultivation (called "Cruising Andes)" to cover the trip from Mendoza/SAME to Santiago de Chile/SCEL (fabulous airport made by TomSimMuc on and Valparaiso SCRD (this also mine on fscloudport)

    Thanks to to allow such efficient uploads and to fscloudport / Spit40 for making available a so "user friendy" tool for building airports

    Special thanks to TomSimMuc for the help, the tips, the Mesh and his amazing other uploads (last one being SCEL), and thanks for the same reasons to Fema4 et RWagener

    What is missing ?

    A lot :

    First will be a UHD patch to cover SAEZ and immediate surroundings (crashed yesterday prtobably due to ambitious resolution and surface covered settings...)

    After I will work again on the Argentina project to end with the "cabotage airports", their photo textures and cultivations (Trelew, Comodoro Rivadavia, Rio Gallego and Rio Grande)

    Would like also to make a lot of small airports in the Buenos Aires surroundings : could be fast as textures and cultivation are done but found 9 airports/airfields without SABE and SAEZ ! and lot of them probably need HD texture patchs to figure properly the grass runways...

    I also love the small Alta Gracia airfield but for me this means also to make SACO (Cordoba airport)...

    Hope Thomas will extend his Mesh to this wonderfull area and until Humahuaca /Cerro Hornacal : would be nice to figure this 24 colours mountain in a photorealistic area with Mesh...

    quebradade humahuaca.jpg

    So, was just to let you that know despite I am making a ereak, I don('t forget the work to do :)

    An be indulgent : 20 days ago I never had done any work for Aerofly FS2 : still discovering a lot of things...

    Happy flights

    Bordeaux le 13 décembre 2019


  • Thank you for bringing this vast area of the Southern SthAmerica with al his majestic nature-places

    and cities to us, the AFS2 Flightsimmers. Only one little remark: please attention for even coloring the landscape because lining-borders between 2 nextlying tiles, one darker than the other, doesn't look natural at all....see this not as a complaint but as info to matching all tiles together, thank you.

  • Thank you for bringing this vast area of the Southern SthAmerica with al his majestic nature-places

    and cities to us, the AFS2 Flightsimmers. Only one little remark: please attention for even coloring the landscape because lining-borders between 2 nextlying tiles, one darker than the other, doesn't look natural at all....see this not as a complaint but as info to matching all tiles together, thank you.

    I know : it's disturbing for me too, but unfortunately I am not able to do this for the moment

    Will try to learn and to do it after

  • Trying to colour match adjacent tiles is almost impossible unless you can download images from one provider and even then they may not match.

    With home made scenery its some thing we have to live with I'm afraid.

    Kindest regards to all, Michael.

  • Trying to colour match adjacent tiles is almost impossible unless you can download images from one provider and even then they may not match.

    With home made scenery its some thing we have to live with I'm afraid.

    Kindest regards to all, Michael.

    So , in fact something can be done but it is difficult and "time eating"...

    - First : I always download from the same provider for one are, but, as you wrote, it is not sufficient (whose who have any doubt look at my photo scenery in SCEL : Same provider and a clear border with two colors each side, separating SCEL in two parts)

    - Secondly you can divide the area in tiles in AeroScenery so to have one color in certain tiles and the other in other tiles : AeroScenery allows automatic post-process images automatically BUT :

    - You have to make many tries to get a good fit : time consuming (your time, and computing time too...)

    - Tiles may not match the border between two colours, ending in a patchwork !

    "Royal way" would be to edit the downloaded images before processing them : any idea about how much images between Mendoza and Valparaiso in 2 m/pixel resolution ? The answer is "I am not retired yet " :)