I am not sure if this is the correct forum but assuming it is ..... I have been flying around in Michael's (IZOJUB) South Australian Fund Raising project now for a couple of years and was wondering if anyone out there might update it for me from TL9 to a TL14 or higher resolution? I know this would involve a lot of work that I am not capable of doing, but it would be hugely appreciated.
Scenery request
I think Michael could do that ...
Unfortunately, Michael (IZOJUB) deleted all the files (and his account here) because he did not accept the
"take + want + don't give anything" - mentality
of 95% of the users here, what I can understand.
You and some other users show that there is another way and some users contribute with work and/or donations, but Michael has made his decision.
Unfortunately, I could not convince him to leave the files online or at least to stay here as a user.
If you want, I can try to make contact (just for you) if it would help(and thanks again for the new donation
That's too bad! Well I'm sure deleting his work free'd up alot of server space
I also regret that Michael (@IZ0JUB) has officially "reported himself out of the circle" at least for now. Therefore, I will not publish the sceneries he created for FS 2 in the FS 4 version.
But even so, there is a lot of good material that I am currently preparing "almost in agreement" for FS 4. Dairyland by ZoSoChile is now almost completely converted for FS 4, at the moment I am running the ERROR flight.
Well, that is sad news to me about Michael. He has been a great friend to us all over the years with his magnificent works. Thank all of you devs for your efforts in bringing our world alive too. Much appreciated.
Hi all
This is probably a dodgy request, but does anybody please know where I can get hold of Michael/IZOJUB scenery files, specifically for the UK? I've tried to get in contact with him with an offer to purchase them. I've waited quite a while and haven't received a reply so the only option I have left is to ask for them elsewhere or abandon this sim as it's of no use to me without decent scenery for the areas in which I want to fly.
I even had a go at making my own scenery but didn't get very far.
Thanks very much
Hi, I never downloaded any UK scenery unfortunately so I cannot help you. I have bought MSFS 2020 for flying in those areas that AFS4 does not cover very well so maybe you might do the same. Be aware though that the MSFS product is pretty huge and gets very big with the add-ons that folk inevitably use. You also need pretty good internet for that.
Thanks AOB. I’m actually coming back to Aerofly from MSFS.
I had Aerofly FS2 before MSFS came out, but I mostly enjoy flying in VR around places I’ve been to IRL, so for me that means lots of UK. But I finally got fed up with my PC struggling with MSFS more and more for some reason, even with a 2080ti, although the CPU is lagging behind a little.
I tried Aerofly FS2 again, then saw there was now FS4 so tried that. As hoped, super smooth in VR, rapid loading times and stable (so far). I found a few of Micheal’s UK scenery areas on this forum which had been attached by someone else. What I didn’t realise is that he’s since disappeared so I can’t get any more.
So unless I can fix this it looks like I’ve wasted my time and money with Aerofly. The Global Scenery is nowhere near detailed enough for VFR IMO. And even Micheal’s great scenery's doesn’t fix the poor elevation data though. The Seven Sisters coastal cliffs for example are, er, pretty flat! But I can compromise on that to get trouble free VR with decent scenery textures etc.
But unless I can find a solution I guess I’m ordering that replacement gaming PC a bit earlier than I’d planned, but at least it will be ready for MSFS 2024!It’s a shame that IPACS don’t offer official high res scenery for the whole globe. But because they don’t, it’s also a shame that they don’t provide better support to assist people attempting to do that themselves. As I understand it the main scenery export program used requires the FS2 SDK, but that’s legacy so the link from it to IPACS is broken.
But there it is. Thanks again for your reply and sorry about the rant.
Don't these links work for you anymore?
ELEVATIONS and IMAGES work for both FS 2 and FS 4.
Thanks, yes they are exactly the ones I meant when I said I found some areas as attachments. But now I have a taste for them I need more! In fact these include where I live in South East England, but not the area nearby to the north, so if I head in that direction, as I often do, the scenery turns to junk after 5-10 minutes as I’m then back into a default scenery area.But I fly all over the UK (and elsewhere of course), so I’m really hoping for that, and I think I read that Michael did all of it. And that’s why I was also prepared to pay him, because it’s a large area. But it looks like I’m too late.